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Spring 2023 Newsletter

May 23, 2023

Maybe it’s my age, but lately death has played a big role.  We have had ministers within our group suffer great loss at the hands of wicked people, frowning providences, and the overwhelming effects of the fall on one’s body.  As many of you know my wife is currently a cancer survivor, I use the word “currently” because once you get cancer you have a 1 in 3 chance of it coming back.

Another Way

May 16, 2023

I was schooled in life by the world and the prevailing cultural ideals around me. Coupled by the fact that I am an only child, I learned quite early how to navigate this world in self-protective, self-promoting ways, most of the time with a simple nod towards God.


John 20:1-8

May 25, 2023

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